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The Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Council exists to establish and promote ethical marketing strategies that are grounded in biblical principles and informed by cutting-edge best practices and to serve as a resource for pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations committed to doing the same.

We provide a vetted list of marketing organizations that work primarily or exclusively with pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, maternity homes, pro-life groups, and life-affirming organizations. Our members adhere to our values and meet our criteria, and are unified, Christ-centered, and holistically pro-life. They are committed to providing top-notch marketing services to help centers expand their online reach and save lives.  


The Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Committee does not allow paid promotions. Members are required to meet and keep our criteria.  The information on this site is for educational purposes only. The Council is not liable for services provided by our list of vendors. Contact to apply or learn more.


Copyright © 2025 Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Council. All rights reserved. 

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